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  • Writer's pictureMarc Von Ahnen

Post # 8 Funnybone Clash of the Comics, Local Author Vendor Fair, Friends of JCDS

Clash of the Comics

Funnybone, our local comedy club, had a comedy contest last week, and I wrote some jokes about dealing with my mom’s death. I honestly got a little nervous, not sure if I should do this because there was a chance that I would end up derailing the entire night, even if you don't break down crying people will probably get uncomfortable with the subject matter. I got on stage and started telling some jokes, also pushed the vampire shark gofundme and didn't get any bites... my jokes were better than that.

I got a lump in my throat at one point but I powered on through. I got plenty of laughs so I guess it's a win. Not in the sense that I won the contest. In that sense I lost. But I lost to David Kousgaard, a super funny polished comedian out of Omaha who happens to be a super nice guy so I am ok with that. After the show we got notes from the judges, almost all of them said I needed better stage presence which I agree with, again I just didn't want to start crying.

My friend from California, Josh Novey, did a quick set too and it was impressive to see how far he has come in comedy.

Josh Novey is like Bigfoot because he only takes blurry pictures.

Local Author Vendor Fair

Beaverdale Books picked Kaylin to be part of their local author vendor fair for her book Millie the Duck.

Kaylin, a local author

I hung out with her for the two hours this took place. She did an excellent job. It made me laugh because at one point a woman got taken completely by surprise that Kaylin, at 14 year old girl, not only wrote a book but also got it produced! She greeted everyone and answered their questions like a pro! I am super proud of her and think she's going to go extremely far in the world of children's literature.

Myself? Well I got delegated to running to the gas station for drinks and gummies. But that is ok. Also Beaverdale books put out a giant plate of cookies and I had way too many of them but this isn't a blog about my eating disorders.

Friends of JCDS

After the book fair, Dad and I got into his new car, a convertible Camaro and hit the road for Kansas City.

My brother put together a concert for the foundation he works for, Friends of JCDS, .

The lineup consisted of local KC talent including one country singer I thought sounded like Johnny Cash but my dad said he thought it sounded like "That one tall guy." Oh that guy.

Before the headliners Lauryn Von Ahnen took the stage!

Lauryn in her natural setting

Before she got up there I told her "Don't be nervous." She just smiled and said "I'm not nervous." Like Kaylin, a real pro! She took the stage and destroyed "Come Together." She didn't write that song, the Beatles did. I thought I would point that out because someone asked my dad that.

I streamed her entire set and of course I am going to say she did amazing...

I was blasted by people telling me how great she did. In fact the sound guy for the headliner approached her asking for her contact info, along with my good friend Chris English messaged me the same thing. Hopefully they can get something setup for Des Moines.

Check her out on Facebook at Here is her soundcloud if you want to check her out.

I also got a Spider-Man ice cream bar. Can't beat that!

Once again. The gofundme

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