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  • Writer's pictureMarc Von Ahnen

Honey Creek Resort Comedy Show and Stan and Ollie

Honey Creek Resort Comedy Show

I had a good set that night! Like really good! And I wasn't shy about saying that, so much so that Joel at one point said to me "We get it Marc, you had a good set." He wasn't bitter or angry with me because he also did well, along with Jeff. It was a killer show all around but I kept repeating it over and over well after my set was over.

Now let me be clear, this blog isn't meant to be a vehicle of patting myself on the back and spreading the news of my glory. I kind of figured everyone already knew that and I didn't have to remind them in a blog. I have no reason to be braggadocios.

No, I did well but I was genuinely surprised because I was not in the mood to go to a comedy show, let alone be in one. I put no effort into preparing for this show and even toyed with the idea of backing out, texting Joel that I was sick. That's a big deal, I have never back out on a show with Joel and Jeff before and I knew doing so would seriously hurt the outcome, being a man down a few hours before the show is a problem.

Finally, I decided I should go. Not because I was screwing of Joel and Jeff but because a night hanging out with two of my best friends was probably going to be better for me than staying in and watching Scooby-Doo.

It's about a hour and a half drive to Jeff's place and the car ride their was enough to break me out of my funk. We hung out with Jeff and Jessica (Jeff's wife) for a few minutes, had some drinks and snacks and Jessica asked Joel and I if we were nervous. "My nervous all depend on how Marc does," Joel said. "I don't normally get nervous until I get to the show." I told them.

After hours of waiting on Jeff to find the correct outfit we finally got in the car headed to Honey Creek Resort. Joel and Jeff began telling stories about past shows at the resort and how much fun they had. Getting free hotel rooms and steaks. It sounded like they had killer shows that I missed out. Next the conversation turned to Joel and Jeff explaining that I have a really odd and unusual way of starting the show.

Being the MC I am supposed to get the crowd warmed up and ready for comedy, your typical MC would get on stage and say "How is everyone doing tonight? We have a great night...." I don't do that. I just get on stage and blurt out a joke, mostly for my amusement because I like to catch the crowd off guard. It's funny to me and normally gets the show started with an uncomfortable confused laugh. Joel and Jeff made it clear that is an odd way to start, no one else does that. "it's really brave," Joel explained. Not the best time for this conversation because it was starting to get into my head.

The three of us drove down a long, pitch black road for a good 10 minutes, if we were in the mob this would be a great place to ditch a dead body. Soon a large beautiful building came into view. I commented on how beautiful it was and Joel replied with "it's really palatial." What's that mean I asked? Here's a fun game, which one of us has an English minor. If you said it can't be the guy who has a Blog filled with spelling and grammatical errors you'd be wrong.


We stepped inside and soon found the hall we were performing in. It was for a railroad companies Christmas party, and the room was packed. Like the size of a large wedding. This is when I started to get nervous because nothing can derail the show faster than having an MC who stumbles his jokes or shrugs and says "I forgot that one." The only plus side of that is that there is nowhere for the show to go but up.


We sat in the bar enjoying a pre show Captain and Coke and I would desperately trying to remember my jokes. Should I start the show differently? Oh crap, I am going to ruin everything and we will have to move away to Terror Lake and change our names.

Mr. Thompson

The toll rang for thee and I had to take the stage. It was to late to make adjustments now, just do the show and let the pieces fall where they may.

I got on the stage and started with my typically joke, followed by a long pause, and then something amazing started to happen. People began to laugh. And then laugh a little more. Finally it felt like the entire room was laughing. Holy crap, this will be OK, I thought.

I got to the part of my set when I informed everyone that I was single, I turned my attention to a group of attractive women and one turned away from me in disgust.

Now that should be a blow to my ego but instead opted to mess with them, constantly talk to them and harass them at every turn. And it seemed to be getting laughs. Later one I would find out that those girls were the daughters of the people that owned the company.

Fun had by all

As I said, sorry to beat a dead horse Joel, I had a great set. :)

Joel asking me to shut up

Stan and Ollie

I am in really into Golden Age of Comedy at the moment and have been reading a book about Groucho Marx

and watching lots of Three Stooges

So when I learned about a movie about Laurel and Hardy was coming out I was totally on board. I'm not really into Laurel and Hardy, in fact I don't think I have ever watched any of this stuff but I was excited for it.

I was expecting a typical bio pic, like Bohemian Rhapsody, you know where Laurel is self conscious about his teeth and Hardy is gay and dies of aids. OK, So I know nothing about Laurel and Hardy but I did think it would be another run of the mill rags to riches bio a pic where the movie ends with them at the top of their game.

Surprisingly it wasn't, the movie pretty much begins with them at the top and it is all about the two of them trying to procure a come back after a 16 year hiatus. This movie wasn't really about them as comedians or their fame but more about their relationship. I adored this movie! I laughed the entire time and left with a tear in my eye. Seriously great stuff!

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