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  • Writer's pictureMarc Von Ahnen

Lebowski's Bar & Grill, Iowa Comic Book Stores

Lebowski's Bar & Grill

"There's nothing in Iowa but cornfields," is the old saying about our beloved state but its not accurate.

We have lots of other things too, Trees, Rocks, Streams, Butter Cows...

Oh and Lebowski's Bar & Grill!

Yep, our little state that doesn't have anything in it has a Big Lebowski themed restaurant!

Being the Lebowski fan that I am I have been planning making a stop for some time. But the problem is that the restaurant is a good hour and half drive from my place. I knew one day I would have to make the journey. Well I was planning on visiting friends of mine near Dubuque Iowa and the Lebowski Bar and Grill is not to far out of the way.

I took this picture when I got there. Isn't this angelic? It looks like it comes out of one of those hallucinations the dude has. The good ones, not the ones where he's going to get his Johnson cut off.

Right inside the doors they have a rug tying the whole room together.

I went inside and was greeted by extremely friendly wait staff who asked "Were you taking pictures of our front doors?" No. The rug.

My friend Kelly told me it would be borderline sacrilegious to go to a Lebowksi themed restaurant and not get his signature drink. She is a wise woman so I ordered myself a Caucasian. I have a feeling this place goes through a lot of coffee liqueur, and light cream.

I perused the menu, the first thing that peaked my interest were "The Dude Fries" waffle fries, covered in pulled pork, shredded cheese, onions and more. My God, that sounds amazing but since I was a party of one I didn't think it would be wise to indulge, plus I still have over a hour to drive and didn't need to get groggy.

I went with The Lebowski. A huge hamburger patty, bacon, cheese, and fried onion rings. Someone must have told them that the guy how runs this blog is walking in because my food was out in a matter of seconds!

This burger was spectacular. This came out piping hot and I kept trying to shove it into my mouth. I wasn't worried about the damage I was doing to my person. It was so good!

After I was done eating and covered in bbq sauce like a fat slob I had to sneak off to the bathroom to clean myself off. I then started taking notice of all the Lebowski signage. This place is a dream come true. Great food, Great service and surrounded by the dude.

My only suggestion would be to have the staff dress up like the Jesus and wash a bowling ball next to the tables while you eat!

Dubuque and Dyersville Comic book Stores

Being out of town I had to push vampire shark onto people, like it's a new religion. Luckily my pal Greg is a bigger Comic Book Nerd than I am so getting us to go to a comic book store, well, I didn't really have to twist his arm.

He took me to his local store Comics World and Games. It seemed like a cool store. They are in the process of moving so I didn't get to see it at its full glory. Hopefully I can make it back soon and see it how it normally is. Also it needs some Vampire Shark Comics.

We then made a quick trip to Dyersville Comics and games. Again a nice comic book store in an old bank. Also in the process of moving, to a bigger location! I hope that is good news for the comic and gaming world! And they were bitten by the vampire shark!

Bitten by the vampire shark

On a quick note, Dyersville is a cool little town! I have been there once where I had the most amazing waffles. But I got to see little bit more of it. They had a tank and old GI Joe gun, only a real one, and we were passed by a car that looked like Speed Buggy. Then I made Greg's son cry. All in all it was a great weekend!

Dogs I Saw

Check out this weeks Dogs I Saw

This week is dedicated to Shadow at This week I talk to the Amazing Flying Finn. He is the 4th greatest Air Guitarist in the world. In this interview we talk about his love for Air Guitar. How he get into the fastest growing world wide sport. And you get to hear what he orders for dinner. All that plus you get to hear if the dog he saw is a good boy!

Our air guitar show will be at 8PM this Saturday Night at

Docs Lounge 8805 Chambery Blvd

Johnston, IA 50131

Also check out my store at

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