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  • Writer's pictureMarc Von Ahnen

Tomfoolery at The Renwick Mansion

Tomfoolery at The Renwick Mansion

Wes and I were lucky enough to be asked to be part of the Tomfoolery show in Davenport at the Renwick Mansion.

It sounds like the mansion has a bit of history behind it


This stunning venue has a story to tell: It was built by the son of an English immigrant as a family home, and later became part of St. Katharine’s school in 1907. The Renwick Mansion was listed on the National Register of historic places in 1983, and renovated in 1997. In 2007 it transformed into the venue we know today, as beautiful event space and bed and breakfast.

There are rumors that it is haunted

And knowing Chris' love of the paranormal he is inviting people to go ghost hunting after the show. The show Wes and I were in was on a Sunday night and I was unable to get the following day off so we had to jet pretty much right after our show.

It's a two hour drive from Des Moines to Davenport and Chris sent some bad news that we had only sold two tickets for that nights show, because Brad Paisley was at the Davenport fair was going on and for some reason me begging people to buy a comic about a vampire shark doesn't entice people to a show. The format was changed to more of a showcase. Wes and I were still able to do the same amount of time but this I would be able to see more of the Davenport comedy crowd then I typically would.

Even with the bad news of the low ticket sales it ended up being a pretty spectacular show, the comedians were hilarious. Rein Razor and Wes had real stand out performances. My set was pretty solid. I had a few clunkers in there but that's a typical Marc Von Ahnen comedy show.

I sold some vampire shark merchandise, meet some amazing comedians and the best moment of the entire night!

A three foot tall statue of a bulldog dressed as a butler was a pretty phenomenal find! I wanted to buy it but I learned it cost tens of thousands of dollars. I have a sad existence where a bull dog butler makes more than me a year.

Dogs I Saw

This weeks episode is dedicated to Coco

This week I talk to Aaron Shultz (Aaron Sheaffer to his friends) discuss his life long obsession with Return to Oz and his documentary Remembering Return to Oz


Also check out my blog at

and my threadless store at


Issue 4 is officially completed and ready to be printed.

One way to support it would be to check out my store and get your some sweat vampire shark swag. Are you in the market for a vampire shark shower current, or duvet, or baby onesie? Well now is the time!

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